Tuesday, 8 May 2012

2 years & some bargain hunting

It is officially the 2 year anniversary of Mark & I :) we didn't open our cards til this afternoon when we'd both finished work. Here are a few resulting photos!

We had to venture into the village this afternoon to go and pick up a letter from the post office which hadn't enough stamps on or something, but it was closed!! So we decided to wander round the charity shops before going down to Tesco for fruit juice and an Indian meal for dinner - yum, can't wait!

We picked up these wonderful finds :) first up a 101 dalmations DVD, new and sealed for just £1.99! Mark bought this for Indigo and the twins :)

My favourite find was this authentic French mason jar, it was only £1.99. I think it will look lovely on my craft stall filled with sweets of some kind!

We picked up this gorgeous little bear to befriend Matisse! We have named him Renoir (there's a theme going on here..!), and he was just 20p!! Another find was this gorgeous tiara, which I have actually picked up for my niece Caitlin as it's her prom soon - it was a bargain :)

The final find was this pretty summer dress for Indigo for just £1.49 :) me and Mark have become a bit addicted to charity shop hunting! You can find things there you wouldn't in normal shops, and it's nice to have a rummage!

Us with Renoir :) we love him!

Matisse and Renoir :)
I hope you all enjoy your evening, I will be back tomorrow with a special post about how Mark & I met! I am travelling home tomorrow, so I am looking forward to seeing my family & friends for a few days :)

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is this post?! So weird that we have the same anniversary, I know of a few other May 8th-ers too. Glad you had a lovely day, looking forward to reading the 'how you met' story, always love them!



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