Wednesday, 18 July 2012


14.02.65 - 18.07.09
~ never forget ~
Today it has been three years since my amazing dad passed away. My dad was a wonderful and kind man, who would do anything for anyone. He loved and treasured the things precious to him (like his family, his motorbike, his camera!). His motorbike, which he rode in his slippers when he really shouldn't have been riding it! This made for some interesting home videos, partly us saying no you can't do that, partly us thinking what the hell, enjoy yourself while you can.

I won't go into all the details, but my dad had cancer of the larynx (throat). It was a long and tough journey, for both my dad and my family. My dad went through an awful lot for us (literally awful), but it turned out that when the consultant had told us the cancer was 'all clear' after the surgery, he had lied. So after a second opinion at Royal Marsdens in London, we ditched the terrible hospital visits and their terrible advice, and we made the most of the precious time we had left. When things were at the worst, we cared for my dad at home.

So today has been about remembering my brave dad, not just the bad times, but the good times too. I am so privileged to have had such an amazing dad, and I count myself lucky that I had him in my life, even if I wish he was still here today.

Today involved a bouncy castle, food, family, friends, and light-up balloons. I will be here tomorrow with photos of our lovely day.


  1. It sounds like your dad was a really special person in a lot of people's lives & I'm sure he's smiling down at you all the time :) You'll always cherish the beautiful moments you had with him. xx


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