Monday, 24 February 2014

Handmade Mondays #9: Illustration of my siblings

Hello lovelies, Handmade Mondays are making an appearance again! This time it's something a little different,
in that it isn't a feature on an existing shop. Instead today's Handmade Monday is an illustration I've done for my
little brother and sisters; Phoebe, Indigo and Phoenix.

At some point this year I'm hoping to start up my own Etsy shop! Is a custom illustration something you'd be interested in buying for yourself, or as a gift to others?

I'm such a procrastinator, and where many others would just open the shop and pop one picture in and state custom illustration for sale, I need it all to be perfect and to have lovely stock photos and more than one item!

What's your favourite creative hobby?

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  1. This is amazing Hannah! So much more special than getting those cheesy family portraits done (we have one of all use grandkids, it's awful haha!) I love my illustration, I'm sure loads more people will be interested in getting portraits done by such a talented lady. Good luck setting up your Etsy! xxx

  2. Hannah, that looks fantastic framed! What a super talented so and so you are! Theses are things you will keep forever : )

    Do you always use watercolours? I love drawing but am a total colour wimp! Haha! Most things I draw stay in their tones of grey! Do you keep sketchbooks or dive straight into your master piece?
    (Being nosey… Sorry!).

    Gem x
    Faded Windmills

  3. My goodness! You are very talented. This is really lovely. How exciting that you are planning to open up a shop. I've been wanting to give watercolors a try for a while but I'm a little worried, it's a bit out of my comfort zone at the moment.
    I also would like to tell you that I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. If you would like to answer the questions I've prepared that would be great, but if you are not up to it I'll understand. Looking forward to seeing your shop up and running!

  4. Aww this is so cute! Such a lovely idea to paint your siblings.
    You really do have a talent.


  5. This is so adorably sweet, it plastered the biggest of smiles on my face, Hannah! I can't wait for you to open the shop! I completely understand what you mean though (this is why my design is taking so long) - I always need everything to be exactly right. It's more than a little exhausting! I really hope you get things all sorted soon!


  6. Aw this is the cutest! Personal, handmade gifts are always nicest :) I can't wait to see your Etsy shop, sounds like such a cool little venture. Have a good week! x

  7. awh this is so cute! An etsy shop is such a good idea :)

  8. Awww, these are so cute! You should definitey open your own store.

    Tara xo

    P.S Love your siblings' names!

  9. This is so cute! I love watching your art progress on Instagram, I envy your talent! I think this is something that people would pay for. I was so sad when I didn't win your giveaway when you did commissioned art because it's adorable!

    Emma x

  10. This is so lovely Hannah! Like Josie said it's so much nicer than those cheesy portraits I think all of our families have hanging around the house! I bet they are really pleased with it :) Lots of luck with the store too, I think it's right you want to make it perfect & have a couple of different photos first.

  11. Aww Hannah these are just beautiful! xo What a wonderful gift you have :)

    I bet your brother and sisters were made up with this <3

    Sophie soinspo

  12. That is adorable :-) you should definitely get your own etsy store!!! You are very talented.

    Hannah x | lovelettersandsnippets

  13. Go for it! You're obviously a very talented illustrater, this is absolutely adorable xx


  14. Oh, you know how much of a fan I am of your paintings! :) It looks gorgeous in the white frame- I'm still on the hunt for a frame for mine but was unsure of what color would showcase it best and now I know- white is best, definitely! I absolutely can't wait for you to open your etsy shop. I'm still kicking myself, actually, for not being able to purchase one of those limited edition cushions that your beautiful illustrations were featured on. Also, I still have that image in my head of that mug you have with your painting of a bear on it- I'd so love those to be sold in your shop! Or stationery items of all sorts! or anything, really! :) xxx

  15. wow these are so cute! great work :)


Thanks for your lovely comments! I try to reply to them all :) x