Friday, 14 March 2014

Little Five Friday #8

Happy Friday lovelies! How was your week? I've been Spring cleaning my blogger reading list this week, going through and checking which blogs are no longer active/updated and catching up with my favourites. It's a long process, but I'm enjoying it! Mark & I are heading to my mum's tomorrow evening after work, taking some more of our furniture and spending Sunday with my family. Can't wait! Do you have plans for this weekend?

1. On March 26th my next OU course starts, so I've been getting prepared with
buying a pretty new pen (£2) and inspirational postcard (60p) from Paperchase.
I ordered these gorgeous bear page markers through Instagram, but I can't
remember who from, sorry!

2. When Mark & I went to visit his nana one evening, I was happily surprised
to see the pathway lined with these beautiful daffodils.

3. On Monday evening we went to FACT to see Fantastic Mr Fox on the big screen,
it was perfect! The lovely trendy venue is nestled away on a side street in the
middle of Liverpool. The seats were so comfy, and seeing it in a cinema allowed
me to notice things about the film I hadn't seen before. The perfect evening!

4. Let me introduce you to Mr Cloud! When we visited Ikea to buy sofa cushions
we spotted Mr Cloud and couldn't leave him behind. We both love everything
about the sky, and he brings a smile to both our faces!

5. This week's post of the week goes to Claire and her TMI tag video. I never
really 'got' vlogging until this post, Claire's video was so insightful and
personal that it made me understand why bloggers choose to use videos to get
their personality out there. I love it, and it inspired me to watch more by
other bloggers too. It was lovely getting to know more about Claire!

Have you ever made a video for your blog? Do you enjoy watching them?

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  1. These are my favourite posts of yours! How amazing are all the spring flowers lately! They look amazing in the sunshine, but I can imagine how cool they'd look in the dark- daffs are basically luminous aren't they. Have a good weekend and end of the week! x

  2. New stationary is the best thing ever! xx

  3. Hannah! A big thank you must be sent first for your (as ever) completely amazing comments on Tori’s Tales – I’ve replied so please do check them out, I want you to know just how much I love having your support!

    Gosh, Friday already! It’s been a bit of an odd week for me, doesn’t feel like I’ve done much, and coupled with one of my lecture’s being cancelled today, it very much feels as though I’ve spent no time at uni this week. Other than that, I’m extremely excited to be back blogging, it’s been a long time coming! I hope you and Mark have a lovely time tomorrow with your Mum, and the same with your family on Sunday. May the sun shine for all of you!

    Oh wow, what’s your OU course? (if you’ve said it elsewhere and I’ve missed it, I’m so sorry!). Best of luck to you, I hope you get along well with it. All your stationary is so sweet – it’s always good to have nice things to brighten up days when you have a lot of writing/work to do!

    I love how many daffodils I’ve seen dotted around the city and university grounds – their fresh yellow heads always make for the prettiest of outlooks!

    I’ve never actually seen Fantastic Mr Fox, though I’m sure I will one day (The Grand Budapest Hotel comes first, hoping to see it next week!). I love independent/more unusual cinemas, they make the trip to see a film all that more exciting. At my local, about a 5 minute walk from my flat, one of the screens has Paul Smith-designed sofas (he is from Nottingham and the store here was his first to open!). I’m so happy you had such a wonderful evening!

    Mr Cloud looks like he’d make the most perfect of company in any and all cushion-needing situations!

    I have to say, YouTube vids aren’t for me, though I appreciate why people would want to film them! I’m not one to be able to sit and watch anything for more than a couple of minutes (if that!) – I get all too easily distracted. So, for me, blogging – not vlogging - is where it’s at!

    Happy Friday to you, Hannah!


  4. What a cute way to capture the week! Hope you are having a marvelous weekend too....
    May x

  5. I like the style of this post. Sounds like you're going to be busy. What course are you starting? Mr Cloud made me smile. We are long overdue a visit to Ikea. Have a great weekend : )

  6. I've just found your blog and it's so so sweet! I love your little capture of your week, and am a bit jealous you've been to the cinema - i haven't been in ages! hope you're having a good weekend :)

  7. your study stationary will seriously keep you motivated to study! :) and is super cute!~


  8. I hope you've had a lovely weekend my dear, mine has been spent in work. I love your Mr Cloud, I've never seen them in Ikea, so sweet.

    Lindsey. x

  9. This is a real lovely post! I love your new stationery, I absolutely love going stationery shopping, I'm strange like that!
    Your cloud pillow is also adorable!! Charlotte xx

  10. New stationary is a guilty pleasure of mine. Nothing feels like getting a new pen and notebook.
    Mr cloud is also outrageously cute! I've always wanted to hug a cloud!

    Emma x

  11. I tend to spring clean my blog list as well- it makes me sad when people suddenly stop blogging especially if I loved their blog. It's happened several times already so I tend to follow my favorite bloggers on other social media as well so I can continue to keep in touch with them (that sounds weird, probably).

    I'm loving the new stationery- curious as to how the OU course works? I wonder if that's similar to a university class here? I get so confused with the different types of education systems throughout the world.

    The cloud cushion is absolutely adorable! I definitely would've been quick to buy it also. I once saw a Shark shaped cushion (it was pretty big and I love sharks for some reason) in Ikea and I regret not buying it especially since there isn't an Ikea anywhere near my current location.

    I can't wait to watch the TMI tag video- I haven't heard of it. I would quite psosibly consider filming a short video one of these days (it takes a ton of courage, that's for sure) but for the moment, I feel like the lighting in my home would work against me as I barely get any sunshine in my little corner of the woods. xxx

  12. Mr Cloud is pretty darn cool, what a happy chap :) xxx


Thanks for your lovely comments! I try to reply to them all :) x