Saturday, 8 June 2013

Adventures: Date day at Thurstaston pt 2

Hello lovelies, this is part two of our trip to Thurstaston beach on Monday afternoon. Thurstaston beach has the most stunning views, and runs along the River Dee. It was such a beautiful sunny and clear blue skies kind of day that we could see so far into the distance, it was breathtaking to stand on the cliff edge. There were picnic benches dotted around everywhere, families playing games and a sweet dog called Charlotte who brought the ball for me to throw!

The walk down to the beach is down quite a lot of steps with a wooden handrail, it was exciting going down for the first time through the greenery and woods straight onto the warm sand. On the beach there is a single white building, two houses - how lovely to live right on the beach! Although there were quite a lot of people around, the beach is big enough that you still feel as though there's plenty of space.

We were going to walk the little way over to the cliffs and rocks on the far side, but decided it was just too warm on Monday. We wandered back up the steps (much more effort on the way up!) and found the snack bar where we bought the most delicious ice-cream (that's Charlotte the dog!). I chose Belgian chocolate and Mark chose mint choc-chip, it was seriously the best chocolate ice-cream I've ever had. Deciding that our date day shouldn't end there, we went to a local pub for some pub grub! We had a lovely day and evening just spending time together :)

Sorry to the single folk!!!


  1. Ooo yummy icecream.
    I really want your hat!

  2. Lovely photos, it is beautiful there. Love your outfit, especially the hat. Very cute.
    That house is amazing, overlooking the sea, must be so peaceful & serene.

    Lyndsay xx

  3. No need to apologise, this sounds like a wonderful day and I'm not jealous in the slightest! (OK that's a big fat lie, but I'm still pleased you two had such a good day. And I'm mostly jealous of the ice creams) xx

  4. Amazing post dear, I totally love your blog!
    X Anna

  5. Great pictures, it looks like such a lovely place to visit :) xx

  6. these pictures are so so lovely! that ice cream looks so delicious

  7. Such a beautiful adventure! This is the ideal day for me- just enjoying the weather/surroundings and going out for ice cream (which, btw, looks amazing- definitely the flavor I would've chosen as well!) and just taking it all in. :) And I'd love to own a cottage like that one in the picture.Most of the houses on the beach here are just so big and boring-like. They don't feel cozy at all.

    P.S. Glad to know I wasn't the only one who disliked math and had a hard time with it- I'm definitely an arts girl as well! :) xx

  8. the photos are wodnerful! the ice cream looks so yummie :)

  9. Loved looking at these gorgeous pictures and it looked like a perfect day out! Great post. Thanks for your comment on my blog! :)

  10. lovely photos! so cute xo

  11. great photos and post dear.
    would you like to follow each other via gfc?


  12. Pretty pics! <3

  13. Gorgeous pictures, looked like such a nice day! Your blog is so cute, love the name! x

  14. What a beautiful location, looks like such a lovely time. Beautiful photos.


Thanks for your lovely comments! I try to reply to them all :) x