Monday, 28 October 2013

Handmade Mondays #1: Objets de Désir

Hello lovelies, and welcome to my new Monday feature :) each week I'm going to write a blog post about wonderful
handmade items, whether it be art, jewellery, ceramics or anything creative! Last month, I wrote a Wishlist Wednesday
post for Objets de Désir, an online boutique featuring emerging artists & designers. My first post is going to be based
on that post, so I can share with you some of the beautiful items I found on the site.

01. Woods in the Bear by Sarah Breese Illustration
What else could be first in my list of loves, but a bear? Mark & I are big bear fanatics (just click on 'the bears' tag on my blog
and see our little furry collection!), so when I browsed the prints and spotted this I had no doubts. We've recently started
to think about getting all grown up, and getting our very own house, and we already have one wonderful bear print and a
wonderful bear cushion, so this would be the perfect addition to what is sure to be very bear/woodland themed decor.

02. Scandinavian Retro Bear Cushion by Gunna Ydri
Sticking with the theme, next I hopped over to the cushion section. I think the subtle use of colour in this bear cushion means
that it would easily compliment any existing colour scheme in your house. I promise to try and pick something non-bear-
related next, really I do.

03. Garden Birds Bone China Mug by Alice Shields
Birds are another thing that Mark and I share a love of. We could spend hours gazing out of the window or across the garden watching these fascinating little things hop and fly. I especially love the very handwritten style of writing used on this mug.

04. I Like Crumbs Pigeon Brooch by Alice Shields
I think I've found a new illustrator love, I'm now lusting over Alice Shields' lovely little creations. I had a hard time
picking between this sweet little pigeon brooch and the 'I Like You More Than Cheese On Toast' brooch! This brooch reminds
me of a time when I spent the day in London with my dad, and we were sitting on the edge of one of the fountains eating our
lunch. There were signs everywhere and people reinforcing 'do not feed the pigeons'. So what did my dad do? He fed the
pigeons of course!

05. Leather Boat Earring by Benu
Last but not least, I pick these pretty little sail boat earrings because of my love for adventure. I can imagine Suzy Bishop
would love to wear these should she ever want to take out her lovingly made beetle bug earrings. They are something a little
unusual, what with being made from leather, and that really appeals to the arts and crafts lover in me.

What do you think of my new series? Did you enjoy this post? :)

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  1. All these little pieces are beautiful! I haven't made a wishlist post for ages, but you might have just encouraged me :) I especially love the bird mug, my mum would really like it as well I think! xx

  2. What a lovely idea for a post! I can see why you love bears so much, they look super cute on things like this cushion and in real life they're just so majestic! My favourite thing here is the bird mug, I'm glad you said you love watching them in the garden because I do too and people call me sad haha! xxx

  3. Aw, such a good idea for a routine post. I look forward to these in the future. I love the bird mug, I actually sent the link to my bf whose brother works RSPB with puffins in Shetland- I am thinking Christmas! I love bears too, I have never seen a wild one though. I work for a Canadian company and when ever anyone goes to HQ I ask if they have seen any bears. What's your favourite bear?!

    Emma x

  4. this is such a lovely idea. love the mug though xx

  5. I love DIY projects. I shall try this as soon as I have time.
    Hope you can visit my blog and leave a mark too!

  6. it's so amazing idea <3 wow i love it!

  7. This is so sweet. The bear cushion is adorable & I love the mug too :-)

    Sophie xx soinspo

  8. I love this idea! and I wouldn't mind if everything was bear related! :)

  9. Love the idea of this post & I think the cushion is my favourite, you definitely need to get one! :) I love birds too, they're one of my favourite things to sketch, especially when their wings are outstretched - all those pretty feathers!

  10. I absolutely love this idea for a regular post, Hannah! I love your style so much so it'll be fun to see what you pick each week. I really love that coffee mug & every time I see a bear now, I think of you :) xx

    1. Haha, btw, I meant every time I see a bear on items...not a real life bear (you might remember I mentioned that a bear has been seen roaming on my school campus- I'm glad I haven't seen THAT bear yet and I hope I never do!) :)


Thanks for your lovely comments! I try to reply to them all :) x