Thursday, 18 July 2013


14.02.65 - 18.07.09
~ never forget ~

Today marks the four year anniversary of my dad passing away (last year's post is here). Every year we put a memorial article into the local newspaper. I help my mum with finding the right words, but this year it was harder in different ways. In previous years the words have been undoubtedly of overwhelming sadness, but this year I felt like something a little more positive was needed. The sadness and the hurt never goes away, and sometimes it hits you when you're least expecting it and it could once again be that day. But it is true what they say, and it does get easier. Not easy in the way people perhaps say it might, but you find yourself starting to remember happier times as well as the hard and very sad ones. I find myself remembering random things about my dad, about the times our family had together, and funny little things sometimes that make me laugh at the thought.

So here are some happier times, I was rummaging through family photo albums at 7am looking for these. Last year my post was scheduled, but this year with not knowing quite what I wanted to say until now, I woke up early in a moment of clarity. My dad was the best husband, and the best dad (to eight of us, no less!). My dad was caring, he would do anything for anyone at any time they asked for help. He was also fun, he would tickle our feet until we couldn't take anymore and play fight with us until someone inevitably started sulking because they lost! You can see in the last three photos, my dad made the most of his life until he couldn't anymore. He came on family days out, he took his photographs, and he rode his motorbike with slippers on his feet and a tea towel on his head (he was always one to overcome any obstacle). So today my family and our friends will be remembering, not only the sad times, but the happy times too.


  1. Hannah, this is a beautiful way to honour the memory of your Dad. I'm so sorry for your loss but think it's wonderful that you are now able to look back at the years you spent with him in a positive light, focusing on the happy times. Thinking of you today xx

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts lovely :) xx

  2. This is such a beautiful post! I'm glad you can remember the happy memories too, sounds like your dad was wonderful. Lots of love to you today xxx

    1. Thank you Josie, he was wonderful indeed! :) xxx

  3. This is such a lovely piece for your dad!
    Sorry for you loss lovely, always keep remembering :)

  4. hugs
    i love and hate this anniversary
    i love remembering pops
    but i hate that i have to miss him

    1. Hugs to you too, it is a sad and a happy time for everyone xxx

  5. Absolutely beautiful, Hannah. I can see a lot of you in your dad and what an inspiration he must have been! This is such a lovely way to remember him by. You'll always treasure those memories & thank you for sharing them with us as well- what a beautiful family :) xxx

    1. Thank you so much Victoria :) he is a constant inspiration, the way he lived his life, right until the end, will always inspire me xxx

  6. This is a lovely post, sounds like you have a lot of great memories of your Dad. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be, especially on the anniversary every year. Thinking of you :)

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts lovely :) it is hard, but it does get easier in some respects. The anniversary is a particularly tough time, as are occasions (birthdays etc). But we remember and make the most of what we have :) xx

  7. those photos are magic <3

  8. thank you for the comment you left on my blog :)
    such precious photos and such lovely memories, you can look back at the good times! xx

  9. aww very adorable photos, this post makes me think about finding some good old pics of my family too :) thanks for sharing dear :)

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, but this is truly a wonderful post to describe these memories you have. So eloquently written and I'm sure that the pictures are a fond reminder! You're right, it's important to remember the happy times also. xx

  11. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It is lovely to see you have wonderful memories though!

    Corinne x

  12. Ah what a lovely post and great memories you have of your dad to cherish :) xx

  13. This is a lovely post, the old photos are gorgeous and memories that will live forever.
    I'm so sorry for your loss, but it's nice to see you are remembering the good times.
    Sending you my love xxx

  14. This is a beautiful post, a beautiful memory. Thanks for sharing. Your father - a beautiful soul.


  15. What a beautiful post. It's great that you're able to remember the happier times as well as the bad. Your dad sounds like a really wonderful man xx

  16. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

    I wish I had the words to put my feelings about this post properly down on a comment, but for some reason it is so hard.
    I thought the hearts was a nice thing to send cause all I mean now is pretty much lots of love :)

  17. aww hannah, this is such a lovely and heartfelt post. i'm so sorry you had to lose your dad but it's nice to know about all the amazing memories you have of him. lots of hugs xx

  18. Thinking of you, hopefully looking through all these lovely pictures will remind you that you will always have the memories and these will never fade xx

  19. This was such a beautiful post Hannah, it seems like your Dad was an amazing guy. I love the photos too, you can really see the love he had for you guys & the way you describe him living his life & making the most of it right until the end is really, truly inspiring.
    It's such a shame you had to loose him so young, but great that you have so many happy memories to remember him by. Thinking of you all & sending lots of love! ♡

  20. A very heart warming post Hannah, it's good that despite it being such a very sad event you are able to look back and remember the good memories too. It must be so hard writing about this but it sounds like he was an amazing guy in general and this post has probably helped a lot of people too.

    Sending a big virtual hug your way :) xxx

  21. Oh Hannah :-( I can't begin to imagine the sadness you and your family have been through. It's so lovely to read your loving words and the wonderful memories you have of your dad. Sending you all my love xxxx

  22. Such a lovely post - he sounds like a great man. I'm so sorry for your loss but glad you have had the happy memories to look back on :) X


Thanks for your lovely comments! I try to reply to them all :) x