Sunday, 31 March 2013

Happy Easter! (18 photos)

HAPPY EASTER! from myself & all the bears (and owly!), Hotel Chocolat gifts from Sandra, cute bunny tissues, getting back to the Wirral at 10pm on Friday night to find our new galaxy bedding on our bed (thank you so much Sandra!), then opening my bag to find mumma bear had put in these delicious treats, getting to work Saturday morning to find these treats from Hester, Mark bringing me a hot chocolate in the afternoon, a late night hunt for Easter eggs last night after work (none! not one!), a fishtail braid for Easter, receiving a kite from Mark for my Easter gift - the best gift!!, card-making at home with my younger siblings Phoebe, Phoenix and Indigo, Indigo doing the 'indigo' part of a rainbow, and getting it on her forehead!, colouring inside the lines, cloud stickers from Paperchase, Phoenix carefully drawing his part on the cards, two bags of candyfloss shared between everyone, Phoebe outlining some of her drawings in black felt tip pen (definitely needs a fineliner!), two Easter cards for Sandra and Mary as a thank you for sending yummy treats for the children, you make it sunny, Mark holding the cards, Indigo feeding Fluffy some apple treats Mark & I got him.

I hope you've all had a fab Easter, we have here! Sandra cooked us all (me, Mark, Craig and nana) a delicious roast dinner followed by not one, but two chocolate desserts. I know mum & everyone back home have had a nice day, with mum cooking a roast for my family too :)

P.S. The discount on my website for custom illustrations was due to end today, but I've extended it until midnight 1st April :)

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

day trip: the Beacons pt 2

...a very playful dog running by us, waiting for it's owner to follow, going into the woods and seeing the dog sitting waiting for another dog he'd seen to come and play, realising the owners of the other dog must think we owned the dog, branches everywhere, getting my hair caught on twigs, ducking and jumping under and over, a photograph together smile!, pretty little yellow flowers covered in ice and snow, careful of the thorns, a lost autumn leaf on the snow, missing autumn, Tatty Devine fox brooch and Marie Curie daffodil pin, getting back to the beginning again and being big kids, Sandra & I deciding to make snow angels, how do we get down without making holes in the snow?!, just DROP!, Mark telling us to carry on as he was taking a photo, Mark telling me my wings weren't big enough, struggling to move my arms in the thick snow, realising Mark was taking a video of us and we'd been lying in the snow for far too long, easing ourselves up, wet bums!, Sandra & I together after our snow angel making, heading to our favourite coffee shop, hot drinks all round - two hot chocolates and a latte, cakes and scones, toffee crisp cake, warming ourselves but getting the leather seats wet with our snowy bums, a lovely afternoon spent feeling young again, and a little visit to nana's before going home for tea.

Mark & I have headed home Tuesday night to my mum's, until Friday night, as I have a jam-packed two days of hospital appointments including more balance testing (no chocolate for me until Thursday night, sob!). I might not manage to post until the weekend so I have scheduled the rest of these photos :) hope you're all having a lovely week.

Monday, 25 March 2013

day trip: to the Beacons in the snow

Waking up to even deeper snow on Saturday morning, everywhere so white and pretty, snowflakes melting as they land softly on the windows, a snow day! again, much loved and worn cat slippers, trudging to work for 9am in the snow to open up the shop, taking my camera along just in case!, photographing things on the way in amazement at all the snow, the art supply shop at the end having cleared a pathway and made a snowman, wearing my new polar bear jumper both for work on Saturday and adventures on Sunday, £6 from £45 for said jumper in the Urban Outfitters sale, thinking I'd wear it next Winter and not realising how soon Winter would arrive again, wearing yaktrax to stop from falling over in the snow and ice, a long day at work but more customers than I'd thought, Sam & Craig popping in to see me before they went sledding, being glad to get home in the evening, walking along to the Indian for our takeaway, lots of people had the same idea, a delicious tikka masala, an early night and an early rise...

...deciding to make an adventure out of the snow whilst it's here, getting wrapped up and ready and heading off to the Beacons, a beautiful blue sky, very chilly winds, a picturesque walk to the woods, carefully up hills and quickly back down, minding not to catch the holly, woods and trees and everything inbetween, even more enchanting covered thickly in white, an impromptu snowball fight!, feeling like a kid again, a beautiful view of the River Dee from the top of a hill, back down and heading off into the woods again...

[to be continued Wednesday]