Hello lovelies, how are you all? It's early Saturday morning, Mark's gone off to work like postmen do at these foggy times of the day, and I'm finally ready to blog. What started as a tiny blogging break ended up as a huge I've not posted in almost 2 months scenario. I've missed you all, and my little blog, lots! It's been a challenging time, but also an exciting time, and I'm going to catch you up on what's been happening lately. Settle down and get comfortable!
First of all, Mark, Rufus & I finally made the leap from staying at my mum's house to our own lovely little rented apartment. It's described as a coach house and it's just perfect for us! It was quite stressful making the actual move, and it was quite a while after our official moving date that we actually moved in. On the day of us getting the keys, I noticed all the things that I hadn't noticed on viewing and I felt overwhelmed by the move. After a big clean, and the addition of our belongings, it feels much more like home. Now that we're living there, we love it. We love having our own space and freedom, and choosing furniture and other things makes the creative side of me so happy! We've still a lot of unpacked boxes around, but we're finally getting there.
On moving day, Rufus had to go on his first ever trip to the vets, because he was a poorly little fluff. We were given three different medications for him, and he was totally exhausted by them. I think he was also a little shaken after being handled by someone he didn't know. He's on the mend now, though we're not sure if he's still not quite himself or if he's still settling in after the move. He's got one more course of his last medication to have next week, then we'll take him to get checked over to make sure he's fully recovered.
Whilst all this moving business was going on, I was on the search for extra hours in the form of a second job or a full time job. A couple of months back, I had an interview for a new store opening in Leicester. I was offered the job, but afterwards it turned out the hours weren't what they'd promised, so I turned it down. I was offered this job two further times! The latest offer having been just a couple of weeks ago when I randomly received a phone call offering me 40 hours a week. But through the power of Facebook & friends, I got a temporary job in a lovely little tearoom. This has meant that mostly I've been working 7 days a week, 6 days on a good week. I've been tired and somewhat grumpy! But I've really enjoyed working with the lovely staff at the tearoom, and will miss it when I leave the week after next. My manager in my local newsagent job offered me enough hours to keep me, so I'm staying put for a while.
Then there's my studying with the Open Uni. This is something else that, as well as blogging, has had to take a backseat in such a hectic period of my life. I managed to keep up to date with everything until my final assignment of this module, when I tried to get an extension. Unfortunately, they said the extension this time wasn't possible. But luckily, with my two previous assignment results being high enough, I was able to skip it and still pass as long as I pass the exam. Which is where it gets messy! The day of the exam is the day we go on holiday to Barcelona (12 days!!), and the OU say that going on holiday isn't a good enough reason to miss it. Despite the holiday having been booked in January, when this course started in March. But I'll get on the phone on Monday morning and attempt to negotiate something..!
I'm one of those people that struggles with change, and it takes me a little while to adapt and to feel comfortable again. But lately I've been embracing change and the positive things it can bring. It's been difficult in places, and some things aren't quite worked out yet, but I'm staying positive and enjoying the happy place I'm at now. I can't wait for the break our holiday brings, and to do some exploring in a new place! If anyone has any recommendations of places to eat, see or things to do, I'd love to know!
Thank you to anyone who made it to the bottom of this lengthy post, and I promise normal blogging will resume soon. I don't know how soon, but I do know it's good to be back :)
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